From the Zagreb Zoo we send you words of worm welcome, but also a strong invitation to attend the EAZA Conservation Forum 2022, to join knowledge and experiences in designing and promoting conservation projects.
Today, when the disastrous pressure on nature and the environment strengthen day by day, everyone realise that only changes in the way of thinking and way of living can direct us to a quality future. And here is also the huge niche for the zoos and all other institutions and individuals that implement conservation work in their mission and made it an indispensable part of everyday life.
The question is how can we become more progressive, efficient and better connected?
So, come to Zagreb, explore Zagreb Zoo and Croatia. Get better insight in our projects of autochthonic fauna and meet present and future partners ready to share capacities and inspiration!
We are sure that this conference will generate new partnerships and empower existing and future conservation projects.
Let’s join the forces, generate new ideas and have fruitful event!
Your Zoo Zagreb team