ZIMS – Zoological Information Management System

Did you know that the Zagreb City Zoo plays an important role in creating the largest and most comprehensive global knowledge base on over 22,000 species? As a member of the global nonprofit organization Species360, the Zagreb City Zoo contributes daily with data about the individual animals and groups in its care.

This information is recorded in the Species360 Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS), which is 50 years old and the largest global source of species data. To date (August 2024), the Zagreb Zoo has submitted data on over 3,940 animals and 625 species, subspecies, and breeds to Species360 ZIMS.

ZIMS combines data from the Zagreb City Zoo with data from other conservation institutions, resulting in contributions that enhance understanding and knowledge of animals and their environments, including insights into disease treatment, animal welfare, population health, and species conservation.

We are proud to be part of this international team and its impact on animal welfare and the conservation of wild animal species. As part of our commitment to animal conservation and welfare, we meticulously record data about our collection to ensure that our animals receive the best care and contribute to species population management and conservation efforts. By continuing to share our knowledge and expertise, we can make even greater strides in protecting the planet’s biodiversity.

The Zagreb City Zoo, like other zoos, aquariums, and wildlife facilities around the world, uses ZIMS to stay informed about every animal and group. For example, Species360 Global Medical Resources, part of the ZIMS for Medical module, helps veterinarians treat and prevent diseases by providing reference values for normal blood test results. Another module, ZIMS for Studbooks, is utilized by conservation teams worldwide to ensure genetic diversity and health of captive animal populations. This is crucial for reintroduction programs where conservation institutions work to re-establish native species in their natural habitats, ensuring those populations are healthy and sustainable.

You can find more about this at the following link: Species360


The Zagreb Zoo lays an important role in a global knowledge base on over 22,000 species, contributing valuable data through the Species360 ZIMS platform. This collaboration enhances understanding of wildlife, supports conservation efforts, and promotes animal welfare, helping address critical issues such as disease management and genetic diversity in captive populations.