Researching the Biology of the Balkan Snow Vole Dinaromys bogdanovi (DD) |
# CE, # RES
Project Title: Researching the Biology of the Balkan Snow Vole
Partners: Udruga Biom, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Veterinarski fakultet Zagreb, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, OIKON
Project Start Year: 2011
Status: Active
Species: Balkan snow vole Dinaromys bogdanovi
IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)
National Red List Status (Croatia): Data Deficient (DD)
Project Details:
The Balkan snow vole an endemic and relict species of the Dinaric karst region, resides exclusively in the Dinaric Mountains and remains vastly understudied. Due to its rarity, vulnerability, and close association with high-altitude karst habitats, research on this species is crucial for understanding its biology and ensuring its conservation. The goal of this research project is to gather and analyze key data that will support the long-term conservation of the Dinaric vole in its natural habitat. The project incorporates various scientific activities in both ex situ and in situ settings, as well as educational programs aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of preserving this unique endemic species.
Ex Situ Research
The Zagreb Zoo provides a controlled environment for housing individual voles, enabling specific studies that would be challenging in their natural habitat. Research includes the study of social behavior, vocalizations, daily and seasonal activity patterns, and cognitive abilities. Additionally, the project involves an analysis of the digestive system’s morphological and physiological traits, digestion rate, and microbiological characteristics, offering insights into their dietary specificities. Ex situ research also enables the development of monitoring methodologies applicable to wild populations, facilitating the future monitoring and management of these populations in their natural habitats.
In Situ Research
Alongside zoo-based research, in situ studies are conducted in collaboration with partners, including BIOM and OIKON. These field studies focus on the species’ ecology within natural habitats to gain a clearer understanding of its ecological preferences and pressures that may impact population stability. The data collected will inform effective conservation and management strategies for the species, utilizing methods developed through research in controlled conditions.
Educational Activities
The project includes educational initiatives to inform the public about the importance of conserving the Balkan snow vole and protecting the biodiversity of the Dinaric karst. Through interactive exhibits and informational content, visitors can learn more about this unique rodent and the significance of preserving its population.
Project Significance
Given the limited information on the Balkan snow vole, this research is crucial in expanding scientific knowledge of the species and contributes to developing recommendations for managing and conserving the population in the wild. The educational component of the project also promotes public understanding and engagement in conserving natural ecosystems and Croatia’s native biodiversity.
The research and conservation project on the Balkan snow vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi) focuses on studying this rare and endangered endemic rodent of the Dinaric karst through a combination of ex situ and in situ research. Through comprehensive studies conducted by the Zagreb Zoo, the project aims to gather essential data on the vole’s biological and ecological characteristics, contributing to its preservation, species management, and the broader understanding of this exceptionally rare species.