Aviary database project

In modern zoos, there is an increasing trend of building enclosures that mimic natural habitats and allow animals to exhibit natural behaviors. Aviaries are considered the optimal solution for most birds as they promote natural behavioral patterns, improve animal welfare, prevent the introduction of invasive species, reduce costs, facilitate visitor education, and encourage breeding.

Through the Aviary Database Project, the Zagreb Zoo actively contributes to global conservation efforts and the improvement of bird living conditions. This platform is designed as a tool for sharing information among zoo professionals about aviary design and construction, as well as selecting the most suitable solutions for specific species or geographic locations. The project provides essential information that facilitates decision-making, reduces unnecessary costs, and optimizes adaptability. By sharing experiences related to materials, costs, design features, and visitor engagement, experts can avoid costly mistakes that could result in poor conditions for birds or limited educational and conservation success.

This project was initiated within the EAZA Ciconiiformes and Phoenicopteriformes Taxon Advisory Group (TAG), recognizing that many bird species currently reside in open enclosures and that facilitating the transition to aviaries was necessary for improved management and breeding. While it is not realistic to expect an immediate change in all bird enclosures, the goal is for zoos to consider aviaries as a primary solution when planning new spaces for birds. This approach helps zoos avoid costly errors, choose the best solutions, and ensure optimal conditions for birds, thereby supporting animal welfare and the sustainability of their long-term plans.

There is no perfect aviary nor a universal design that suits all zoos, bird species, and locations. However, the Aviary Database Project fills this gap by providing an online resource that informs, inspires, and facilitates the exchange of ideas, innovations, and project experiences among professionals. The project is designed to help zoos find the best possible solutions for their specific needs, leveraging collective knowledge and experience to build suitable aviaries at affordable prices.

For more information about the project, visit: aviarydatabase.com .


Zagreb Zoo contributes to global bird conservation efforts through the Aviary Database Project, aimed at enhancing bird welfare in zoos worldwide. The project facilitates the sharing of knowledge about aviary design and construction, helping professionals choose the best solutions for optimal animal care.